Souderton Travel Soccer - FAQ
2024-26 Tryouts
Q: Do you need to register or sign up for tryouts?
A: Yes. Please register though GotSport site. Click here to be directed to the registration page.
Q: What if we are away or unavailable for our selected dates?
A: Contact our travel coordinator at for special circumstances.
Q: What age group will my child play this next year?
A: The registration system will automatically select the correct 2023/24 age-group based on the player’s birth year.
Q: Is there a fee to try out?
A: No, there is no registration fee for tryouts.
Q: Who tries out?
A: All existing Souderton travel players must be evaluated each year, along with any new players wishing to play on a Souderton team. This year open tryouts will be for boys and girls birth years 2008-2015.
Q: What is a typical tryout like?
A: A typical tryout may consist of a quick warm-up, technical drills, small sided games and perhaps end with a full sided scrimmage depending on the number of players trying out. All tryouts will be administered by the team’s coaches, and content may vary team to team.
Q: How long will try outs be?
A: Tryouts typically consist of three sessions. Attending all three (3) sessions is recommended but not required. Souderton Area Soccer Association reserves the right to adjust the tryout format based on weather conditions and numbers of players trying out.
Q: When will I know who my child’s coach will be?
A: Coaching assignments can be found under the TRAVEL tab of the website.
Q: What should a player bring to tryouts?
A:Bring plenty of water; wear shin guards, cleats, and a properly inflated soccer ball.
Q: When will I find out what team my child has made?
A: Players will be notified of team placement status within 72 hours of the last tryout date. Registration and payment to confirm your commitment of placement on the team will be required within 72 hours of invitation. Positions not accepted by this time, will not be guaranteed as other players may have been placed on a waiting list for a roster spot.
Q: How will the players be notified?
A: Families will be notified of team placement via email within 72 hours of the last tryout. Souderton will use the email address used by the family for player tryout registration.
Q: Can parents stay and watch the try outs?
A: Absolutely! But we do ask that you stay invisible. No cheering or coaching from the sidelines, please.